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Double Air Screen Rice

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Double air screen rice (DAS rice) is a type of rice that has undergone a specific milling and processing method to remove impurities and defects, resulting in a high-quality, cleaner grain. The term "double air screen" refers to the two-step process of separating impurities from the rice grains using air.

How the double air screen rice milling process works:

1. Cleaning: The raw, unprocessed rice, known as paddy, is first cleaned to remove larger impurities such as stones, sticks, and straw. This initial cleaning helps prepare the rice for further processing.

2. Dehusking: In the next step, the outer husk of the paddy is removed, leaving the brown rice or "brown paddy."

3. First Air Screen: The brown paddy is then passed through the first air screen, which uses a controlled stream of air to separate lighter impurities like dust, chaff, and immature or broken grains. These impurities are carried away by the air, leaving behind relatively clean rice.

4. Polishing: After the first air screen, the rice may go through a polishing process to remove the bran layer and produce white rice. This step is optional and depends on the desired final product.

5. Second Air Screen: The polished or semi-polished rice is then subjected to the second air screen, where a more refined separation of impurities takes place. This step helps remove any remaining impurities that may have passed through the first air screen, ensuring the rice is exceptionally clean.

Double Air Screen Rice Use:

The double air screen rice milling process is used to produce high-quality rice, often preferred for its purity and appearance. It is commonly used in regions where rice is a staple food, and consumers have high standards for rice quality. Double air screen rice is less likely to contain impurities, which can affect the taste, texture, and overall quality of the cooked rice.

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